Six Ways to get Out of a Reading Slump

I have seen many posts on reading slumps. Here’s me listing things that have worked out for me –

Reading books is an experience and requires discipline. But not being able to read a book can be frustrating for an avid reader. This occurrence is called a reading slump in the reading community.

1. Use an attractive bookmark

What is a bookmark that doesn’t urge you to read? Resin and handmade bookmarks, bookmarks with quotes, bookmarks featuring your favourite tv show, you name it and everything is at your disposal at online stores and small businesses.

2. Read good books

More often than not, a bad book puts you in a reading slump. Be selective in what you read. Quality over quantity any day. Scrutinize spoiler-free reviews thoroughly when you are making your next purchase

3. Read poetry/short story anthologies

You are not pressurized to read the entire book in one sitting nor there is a persistent problem of forgetting the plot/characters mid way. Select short stories/poems from an anthology whose title holds your attention. Short stories weave numerous slice-of-life moments into a concise charming tale. Poetry presents a story in a lyrical manner.

4. Experiment with different formats

Many times it’s possible that you are not used to the format or are bored with the same format. Change the frequently used format. Try listening to an audiobook whilst reading an e-book or traditional forms of books like hardback/paperback. Audiobooks improve language and pronunciation and the best part is they are sometimes narrated by celebrities.

5. Join Book Clubs & participate in Readathons

Sometimes peer pressure is good when you have booksta buddies repeatedly urging you to read a book. A readathon is a monthly/yearly reading activity organized by a group of people. These activities come with their own perks like making friends, introduction to new genres and books, networking etc.

6. Create the right ambience

Crumpled bedsheets, scattered clothes, dusty window frames, and smoky air, look like a pile of mess right? Clean the mess, plop in your favourite spot, brew your favourite beverage, and sit tight for an unforgettable experience.

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