The Blue Rabbit

The poetry anthology is divided into sections namely – People, Love and Search.


The poem – ‘The Blue Rabbit’ which is also the name of the collection, is a verse that captures the vision of a child, a vision that is not marred by the rules set by the world.

The verses in the first section capture the raw emotions felt by humans, the way their lives get entangled with others. The pieces also capture the ordinary lives of some people who are otherwise lost in the din of the day.

A particular poem that described the power of almighty is worthy of a mention. What caught my eye, was not in the details but the simplicity in which it was written in rhythmic scheme.

“He says he is nobody

but he can be anybody.

A storyteller or a risky sailor,

a fellow poet or an ace runner”

#MeToo written in a repetition format that depicts the state of the survivors, fills you with an unfathomable rage screams like an impactful spoken word performance The standout aspect in this poem was that it was perceived to be gender neutral.

“I’m my pepper spray

I’m my night torch

I’m my emergency number”

‘Ghosts in the red light’ describes the plight of many unknown woman shunned by the society who sell their flesh to sustain their livelihood.

“…just one liberated, out of the thousand ghosts still roaming in red lights…”


The next section ‘Love’ deals with laws that bind a relationship, memories of a broken relationship, moving on from a relationship through self expression and nursing a broken heart. The poems in this part are mostly reflections of different kinds of relationships.


‘Search’ is all about finding ones identity amongst the crowd through self expression and arts. A particular piece that will stay with me is the process of writing a poem. How poetry comes to writers in the most unlikeliest situations.

“In madness, there is poetry and music and rhythm.

In madness, there is universe and stars and heavens.

In madness, you have everything you need”

Overall the writing style of this anthology is simple yet lucid and expressive in nature. The best part of this collection is that the pieces are suited for all readers.

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