The Deal of a Lifetime

A grieving cancer stricken father admitted in a medical facility writes letters to his son during Christmas Eve. He goes on talking about the value of life and constantly rambles about a woman in a grey sweater holding a folder. Who’s she and how is she connected to him?

The novella is written in a unique format. It gives enough room for the readers to process emotions and assimilate the words. The book alternates between a segment in his life with a beautiful illustration complementing it. It’s a character driven story but the internal monologues keep you vested in it. In ‘A Man Called Ove’ it was humour with melancholy but here it’s the latter enmeshed with philosophy.

“Most of us so desperately want to believe that every heart which stops beating is missed equally”

‘The Deal of a Lifetime’ is a poignant tale spun around fragility of life during the festive season of Christmas. It reaffirms the faith there are spokes of compassion in all of us. 

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