The City and its Survivors

It was an ordinary day except that the sky was changing into darker shades of grey with each passing minute. After a couple of hours of what seemed like deafening silence, the nature unleashed its fury on the city. We, the mortals, not able to withstand its power, struggled to stay afloat. Even the trees were not spared. They were robbed off their leaves. The river was in sorrow. Its waters have been polluted, the bridge watching it helplessly. The birds lost their homes. The residents had a change of heart. On what seemed like a rare occasion, they extended a helping hand to each other regardless of their Gods.

The city recovers sooner than expected. I’m in awe of its resilience. The roads are clean devoid of water, boasting about their induction in the ‘Clean India’ mission. There are no traces of the calamity except for a few dislocated sign-boards. It seemed that my city, not known for adapting to change had made peace with its past. The four lives lost were long forgotten.28/05/2017 became just another day in the calendar.

But the date is etched in mind of some people, whom others call ‘Survivors’. We, the survivors, are also humans capable of feeling emotions other than fear. We have seen ourselves and our loved ones suffer. Memories cling to us not letting us to be free. Everyday, we aspire to be like the city, but our wounds bleed every time we think of it.

This post was written as a part of My Friend Alexa Season 2 organised by Blog Chatter 

P.S: This is a part of series of eight posts on the theme ‘Fiction and Poetry’. Do subscribe to my blog if you like this one. And yes, book reviews are a added bonus😉



59 thoughts on “The City and its Survivors

  1. It’s kind of scary that something like that could happen and life goes on as if nothing happened. People remember. I would never forget.


  2. This is lovely and a little haunting – It’s strange to think how easily things move forward regardless of what happens, but I find that comforting more than anything. Like when I feel like my world is falling down around me or I feel overwhelmed by a deadline or something happening I just have to take a breath and rationalise what it will really change, once it’s over and I’m on the other side.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This gave me jitters. Few memories last forever and especially when you have witnessed the best or the worst happening in front of your eyes, its not easy to forget and move on. We get flashes and triggers. Well written. #vartikasdiaryreading #myfriendalexa


  4. This is indeed a harsh reality of today’s life. Nature have lost their space to live peacefully, cities and development have snatched away the living space from the. They are struggling. We cannot live in peace. It was Chennai few years back and Kerala so recently, we can see the misery that unfolds when nature decides to take its turn. Though everything comes to normalcy after sometime but the scar remains and when we stop to acknowledge it, we are hit by another bout of natural calamity…

    #MyFriendAlexa, #MakeupReads

    Liked by 1 person

  5. We are all like mayflies fluttering just for a speck in time. Cities rise and fall, Kingdoms soar and cease, life goes on…for a limited while in this almost never-ending cosmos. All we need to do is accept our insignificance and do something in our time to help others. The least and most we could do.

    I liked the narration and the imagery in your post. Clear, concise and crisp. Well done.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I read this when my city has witnessed people succumbing to a flyover crash just yesterday. We live so close by to the venue of the accident that I was numb all night. But today I am fine. I am probably the part of the city. But I know, for someone who lost a dear one will remember this day forever and not in a casual way. Your write up sounds so apt in this moment.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Life in city never stops nor waits just like the tides of the sea. Its ingrained in the spirit of the city dwellers to run for covers when needed, then resurface back and walk ahead with whatever little is left behind. For city cant stop!
    Lucidity of your words flooded me with the imagery Aparana!


  8. Life never stops. Any tragedy or calamity takes only few minutes to show us that we humans are still not that powerful so as to avoid the uncertainty of lives. Few days back only Kolkata faced one such indecent. As the date changes, people seem forgetting what damage was created but for people who see it from close feel the pain life long. #MyFriendAlexa #vibhuandme

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Beautifully penned! You have said so much in so little. The apathy of people and the civic authorities, the pollution that we cause and then suffer the consequences and finally the thought process of the survivors.

    Liked by 1 person

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