Princess Princess Ever After

Princess Princess ever after is a queer retelling of Rapunzel’s fairy tale. Bursting with mythical creatures that are as real as animals, their only superpower being determination.

Sadie is trapped in a tower surrounded by a dense forest. When many princes failed to rescue her, Princess Amira tries her hand at the rescue. Later we learn that Sadie was banished from the kingdom by her own sister when their father passed away and she sabotaged the prince’s attempts for her own safety. The princesses are not perfect but together they bring out the best in each other and conquer every obstacle in their way. Amira realized the privilege of being born into a royal family and is grateful in the end.

It breaks the pre-conceived notion of how princesses are imagined – perfect, slender, fair and need rescuing. Princesses were reimagined to brandish swords, ride animals and wear a prince’s ensemble. There’s an instance where a Prince is saved by Princess Amira. I liked how this story was backed by all-inclusive characters. It puts forth kindness as the only superpower everyone ever needs.

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